Wi-Fi & BT, Trizeps VIII

Laird 60-SIPT Wi-Fi Module

The Trizeps VIII is available with Laird 60-SIPT Wi-Fi Module.
It includes a powerful Marvell 88W997 chipset capable of 802.11ac, 2×2 MU-MIMO, BT 4.2, and BT 5 ready.

Please also view the documentation from Laird regarding implementing the driver into the OS.

Install Driver and Power-Up Interface








Binary Package for Sterling-60 Release & kuk_imx_4.14.78_1.0.0_ga


*) Note that the driver backport might need to be compiled against your specific kernel to work!

  • Copy the files from the above package or the files you compiled to the root filesystem.

  • Install kernel-modules:

$ insmod compat/compat.ko $ insmod net/wireless/cfg80211.ko $ insmod net/mac80211/mac80211.ko $ insmod drivers/net/wireless/laird/lrdmwl.ko $ insmod drivers/net/wireless/laird/lrdmwl_pcie.ko
  • Enable the Wireless interface ( nPCIE1_W_DISABLE)

$ echo 81 > /sys/class/gpio/export $ echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio81/direction $ echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio81/value
  • Interface up:

$ ifconfig wlan0 up

Scan and Connect to Wi-Fi Network

Simple Scan

Connect manually using wpa_cli

Start wpa_supplicant:

Run wpa_cli:

Use the scan command to list available networks:

To connect to one of them, you will first need to create a network:

The output ('1') is the network ID used in the next commands:

The 'list_networks' commands show which networks have been set up ( i.e. WLAN_EXAMPLE-5G).
With 'select_network <network ID>' you select the network to which wpa_cli should connect:

Will trigger connection to the previously set up network WLAN_EXAMPLE-5G.

The wlan0 interface needs to be assigned an IP address, to have it functional. Either through DHCP or manually.


Enable & Disable the WLAN function of the Device

GPIO3_17 ( GPIO81; see Using a GPIO in Linux) can be used to enable and disable the WLAN function.
Set GPIO high to enable; set GPIO low to disable the WLAN function.